The Tv series centers on the love story of Heo Joon-Jae (Lee Min-Ho), the son of a wealthy businessman who becomes a clever con-man after his parents' divorce, and a mermaid named Shim Cheong (Jun Ji-Hyun). Focusing on rebirth, fate, and unrequited love, their tale is juxtaposed with the parallel story of their Joseon era incarnation, town head Kim Dam-Ryeong and the mermaid Se-Hwa.
Now it's on Netflix, it's been released in 2016 since MCO I'm started to watch it. And I always loved mermaid story just like Disney's The Little Mermaid movie. Even it's in Korean, it grabbed my attention to watch it.
I'm going to say a rating of 9 out of 10 ratings. If you guys into a fantasy fairytale story, I would recommend watching this series.
During the Joseon era, a mermaid saves the son of a nobleman, Kim Dam-Ryeong, from drowning. Following the incident, the two children become close friends, and Dam-Ryeong names her Se-Hwa, meaning 'a bright, shining child', after his deceased younger sister.
Despite being from two different worlds, they fall in love until Dam-Ryeong is forced to take up an arranged marriage. Se-Hwa plans to turn her fishtail into a pair of human legs and live upon the land with Dam-Ryeong, but due to having not reached adulthood yet is unable to do so. Devastated by the news, she decides to leave him forever.
Nevertheless, Dam-Ryeong's love for Se-Hwa forces him to leave his wife after the marriage and jump into the ocean to look for her. The distraught Se-Hwa rescues him from drowning and promptly erases his memories of her and their love so that he may not look for her again.
After years of separation, the two grow as adults. Their paths cross again as Se-Hwa is found by town folks trapped in a cave after a storm, and brought before Dam-Ryeong, now a town official.
While Dam-Ryeong does not remember her, he takes pity on her to set her free, angering the town inn's head and nobleman Yang, who had plans to steal Se-Hwa for his own and overthrow Dam-Ryeong.
While Dam-Ryeong does not remember her, he takes pity on her to set her free, angering the town inn's head and nobleman Yang, who had plans to steal Se-Hwa for his own and overthrow Dam-Ryeong.
Dam-Ryeong, who has been experiencing dreams of himself, Se-Hwa, and their foes in the future, fear that the same ill-fate that afflicts himself and Se-Hwa will replay itself. To warn his future self, he commissions a soon-to-be artifact—a time capsule containing a portrait of himself with a message to his future self that «everything is repeating itself» and he has to protect the reincarnation of Se-Hwa from danger, particularly due to the reincarnations of Yang and anyone related to him.
As all the men aim their harpoons, Dam-Ryeong plunges into the water just as a harpoon, hurled by Yang's son, impales him from behind, saving Se-Hwa. As Dam-Ryeong dies in her hands, Se-Hwa thrusts the harpoon deeper through his body and stabs herself.
In modern-day, young Heo Joon-jae runs away from home after the divorce of his parents and his father obtaining the right to raise him. His father Heo Il-Joong adopts stepson Chi-Hyun after marriage with Kang Seo-hee. Joon-Jae's mother Mo Yoo-ran, after the divorce, works as a housekeeper after running out of money after the divorce.
He brings her to his home and names her Shim Cheong. He allows her to stay at his home for several days to recollect his memories of her but just after he makes her leave as he was unable to remember anything significant, she gets hit by Chi-Hyun's car that evening, due to which he takes her back to his house. After this, they steadily grow close to each other.
Kang Seo-hee finally kills Heo Il-Joong, using a strong dose of monkshood. Joon-Jae, with the help of Shim Cheong, Jo Nam-doo, Tae-oh, and police officer-detective Hong Dong-Pyo, busts Kang Seo-hee, revealing her real name to be «Kang Ji-Hyun and her schemes finally revealed. A maddened Chi-Hyun grabs a police officer's gun as he's being arrested and aims at Joon-Jae but Shim Cheong takes the shot to save him.
Author: Shobana Manokaran
Romantic story