Not too long ago someone asked how do you coping with Movement Control Order (MCO) and Work from Home (WFH). I would like to share and t is not easy because for me it’s all about mixing with people every day. Lockdown in own home has drained my energy to go further but these five tricks would help anyone. I would like to share 5 habits in the new norms.

1. Do the usual
What do I mean with that? It can vary from a person to person. Mine will be a cold shower, a nasi lemak paired with black coffee for breakfast and then look at the mirror tell myself that I can do it.

2. Dress the part.
I don’t answer my video calls wearing t-shirts or pyjamas. I would rather wear a shirt just like I am going to work although I am at home. It will give me the energy to excel the productivity.

3. Have a dedicated workspace
It is very important for me because I don’t work form bed or legs on the wall. I do have a study table equipped with portable light and fan. It keeps my mind focus on what I have to do.

4. Have a dedicated work time
 Since you have a workplace, now you have to manage your availability. Your timing can vary, some may choose in the day and some may even consider working at night. Once you have decided the timing. Now, you have to tell your friends, family or even small children not to disturb you. Make an announcement. The best will be shut the door immediately once you enter.  I am sure they will respect your decision.

5. Remove all distraction
Whatever distractions you have, it can be from social media, television channels, noises from the neighbourhood. You need to get rid of it or else you cannot focus.

We have to adapt to the new changes. We cannot be in the old self to adapt to new norms in our life. We have to make changes. Somehow, we have to develop new habits that work in these new norms. 

Author: Buvesh Kumar


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